
Dincă Vlad Andrei

Web & Game Developer

About Me

I am currently a front-end developer based in Bucharest, Romania. I used to play with Vue and Nuxt.js, currently using React as it integrates wonderfully with TypeScript and an FP paradigm.

Sometimes I also dive into back-end code with Node.js, Express and MongoDB.

I don't argue for the use of one specific framework or technology, instead I am inclined towards the versatility and excitement of learning and using new tools regularly.

I love game development and I have experience with Phaser.js and the Unity Engine, having developed a handful of browser games.


September 2019 – February 2020

Programming Instructor


Taught introductory programming concepts and algorithms through game development to children and teenagers.

November 2020 – June 2022

Front-End Developer


Working as a Front-End developer on the Ubisoft Connect project, implementing and debugging cross-platform features with React and TypeScript, and testing via the Jest framework.


University of Bucharest

Oct 2017 - Jul 2020

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Sky Coders project image

Sky Coders

Sky Coders is a 2.5D online game developed in TypeScript with Phaser.js on the client side and Node.js on the server-side, with real-time communication, using the Socket.IO, Express and Mongoose frameworks. It is a multi-platform Progressive Web App game in which you can build your own island, with a twist: You can create code for the game characters via a Scratch-like in-game editor.

    TypeScript Badge Icon Phaser.js Node.js Badge Icon Express MongoDB Heroku
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Built a website showcasing a certification company's services. The front-end is built with the JAMstack, using Vue and Nuxt to generate the static content. It has a contact / offer request page, automatically sending emails using Netlify Lambda functions. Developed an admin panel, integrating with Firebase Realtime Db, used for managing the certificates emitted by the company.

    Badge Icon jamstack Badge Icon netlify Badge Icon Firebase TypeScript Vue Badge Icon nuxt
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aMaze project image


A team project shooter game made with Unity. I implemented the enemies, the AI and animation, the guns and shooting, map interactivity and the UI.

    Badge Icon unity
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Knight fighting AR game project image

Knight fighting AR game

An AR mobile mini game that detects a ground picture and starts a knight fighting game. One knight is AI-driven and the other one can be controlled via on-screen buttons. The game is part of a bigger AR team project for an interactive museum for which I also implemented a 3d person guide that describes different paintings in the museum the user points his camera at.

    Badge Icon unity
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Youtube tutorial creator website template project image

Youtube tutorial creator website template

Worked on a Vue.js website template for showcasing a Youtube tutorials creator. It integrates with Firebase for saving videos' / playlists' titles and descriptions and it fetches the content from a specific YT channel via the Youtube API directly. The admin page enables splitting tutorials into categories, fetching new ones or removing some of them, reordering them, etc.

    Badge Icon Firebase CSS Badge Icon netlify Vue TypeScript
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Faded Island project image

Faded Island

Faded Island is a RPG prototype developed from scratch with plain JavaScript, HTML and CSS, having 0 dependencies. It is a team project, where I have implemented from scratch everything from the resource loader, the game map, animations, character control and different combat logic, to game rendering and memory optimizations, and even the enemy AI.

    JavaScript HTML CSS
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Kitty Clicker Game project image

Kitty Clicker Game

Kitty Clicker is developed in 24 hours as a challenge for myself. The game is developed with a Java back-end server which has a REST API for the JavaScript and HTML front-end. It also uses a MySQL database as storage, and falls back to file storage when the db is unavailable.

    JavaScript HTML CSS
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Coder Blox Visual Programming project image

Coder Blox Visual Programming

Coder Blox is a minimal Scratch-like visual programming app, developed from scratch with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The user can create basic scripts by dragging and interlocking colorful code blocks which have programming-like functionalities. The "visual code" is interpreted and run by the application, animating the characters on the screen.

    JavaScript HTML CSS
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    Badge Icon unity Badge Icon jamstack Badge Icon netlify Badge Icon Firebase TypeScript Vue Badge Icon nuxt JavaScript HTML CSS Badge Icon Phaser.js Node.js Badge Icon Express MongoDB Heroku

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